Because of the genesis of Standout Coffee - to always have some of the top Competition style coffees in the line-up - we are in a unique position to work with baristas who are looking to compete.
Currently we have 6 Competition Coffees that all would score very highly on both the Brewers Cup and the Barista competition scoresheets.
Throughout the year, we are working with different baristas in their preparation for their national or World competition stage. As both Oskar and I have many years of experience competing, we can support the barista in more ways than one. When it comes to choosing coffee and of course the roasting for competition, we always put the baristas needs first. What type of coffee do they want to use. What is their personal preference, what is the concept of their presentation, which competition is it - Barista Cup, Brewers Cup or Coffee in Good Spirit?
We will always adapt the roast profile to the competition and the relevant scoresheet. In the end, we want the coffee to taste amazing! And if it does - it will score very highly on the scoresheets!
This means more solubility and often a bit more development in order to balance out the acidity relative to sweetness and bitterness when it comes to espresso.
While for a filter coffee, we can select a roast profile that individually targets the selected columns in the scoresheet that are so important for the overall score - Acidity/Body/Balance/Overall or whatever will result in the higher score possible.
And of course - we have great fun along the way. The exchange with the barista is part of the fun and the process. That we are learning and developing together is one of the most satisfying aspects of this work.
We love working together with passionate and committed coffee lovers in all aspects of this work flow.